midwest record, may 2014


HELLMULLER SISERA RENOLD/Roots: Amazing. There’s no piano here but these three Swiss jazzbos have captured the vibe of a Jarrett trio ECM date where they tackle the oldies with their own special sauce. With Jarrett and his pals all well passed the age of collecting social security, it’s reassuring there’s a crew ready to pick up where they might leave off and carry on in fine form—even without the piano! Completely tasty and always a treat, this is a fine example of how to lead rather than copy cat. Check it out. 71135 Chris Spector

Spiegel Kultur, 6.7.2014


Die Schweizer Franz Hellmüller (Gitarre), Luca Sisera (Bass) und Tony Renold (Drums) haben sich Standards aus dem Great American Songbook – wie etwa Jerome Kerns „All the Things You Are“ – ausgewählt und gestalten sie im Idiom des zeit

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